PhoenixPhoenix is a clean minimal Wordpress theme with super stunning ‘Layer Slider’. With this slider, it allow you to create and manage each slider element by drag drop module. You can also set each element easing style and its timeout as well. This theme also integrated with super awesome page builder and very powerful admin panel. It makes your life much easier
Localization Supported (We already prepare .pot file, you just need to translate it to .mo files)
SEOWe reconstructed about how to use title. We use heading tag(H1,H2,H3,…) for title which is good practice for search engine site. Main contents are moved above sidebars(including both sidebar layout), now search engine will easily fine your main contents first. Also, ‘alt’ tag for images is supported. This is also help search engine to analyst your site easily.
Setting Up as Homepage
Click Here to See VideoTheme Features
- .pot file for localization available
- SEO Optimized
- Unlimited Color
- Layer Slider
- 6 Footer Layouts
- 4 Blog styles
- 450+ Fonts Available
- Drag Drop Page Builder
- Drag Drop Slider Manager
- Built-in Translator
- Built-in Shortcodes
- Font Uploader
- Logo Uploader
- Background Uploader
- 15 Pre-Defined Background Patterns
- Thumbnail Options
- Static Image
- Slider
- Video
- Price Table
- Social Share for Posts
- Social Link on Header
- Video Tutorial for Setting Up as Demo Site
Assets Used than these are purchased at Fotolia.comNeed Support?
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Update List
==v1.13= 21/12/15fix shortcode - include/plugin/shortcode-generator.phpwp 4.4 compatibility include/plugin/custom-widget folderupdate layerslider==v1.12= 12/6/15fix php 4 strict standard include/plugin/dropdown-menus.phpxss include/plugin/tgm/gdl-plugin-activation.php include/plugin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php include/plugin/portfolio-item.php==v1.11= 03/01/2015- update slider==v1.10= 26/04/2014- fix duplicate contact form mail ( on some server ) include/plugin/misc.php- remove preload in non-responsive include/include-script.php- update tgm layerslider functions.php include/plugin/tgm folder==v1.09= 26/08/2013- fix layer slider for child theme include/plugin/gdl-layerslider.php==v1.08= 04/08/2013- embedded layer slider include/plugin/layerslider folder include/plugin/gdl-layerslider.php function.php include/goodlayers-option.php==v1.07= 16/06/2013- add password protect to page builder page.php- fix error messages include/plugin/filosofo-image/filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php - fix ie7 style style.css footer.php- fix port nav with wpml include/portfolio-option.php- fix twitter function.php include/plugin/custom-widget/twitter-widget.php include/plugin/custom-widget/twitteroauth.php==v1.06= 27/03/2013- exclude gallery from search page include/gallery-option.php- update image resize function include/plugin/filosofo-image/filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php - fix port ie8 hover icon include/style-custom.php- remove price best option include/price-table-option.php- fix search title search.php- fix personnel widget category include/plugin/custom-widget/personnel-widget.php style.css==v1.05= 10/01/2013- fix single port nav single-portfolio.php include/portfolio-option.php- order the page by menu order include/plugin/portfolio-item.php==v1.04= 14/12/2012- Layer Slider updated.(update only plugin file in folder 'LayerSlider/ 08/12/2012- fix content filter page.php- fix shortcode include/plugin/shortcode-generator.php- fix flex slider in ios6 javascript/jquery.flexslider.js==v1.02= 07/11/2012* Updated Layer Slider* fixed WPMU style* fixed related portfolio tag warning message* improved google font enqueue script* added support to shortcode within the message box and column service++++Modified files from v1.01+++++ Folder 'LayerSlider'(Out side of the theme root folder)'+ header.php+ page.php+ stylesheet/foundation-responsive.css+ include style-custom.php+ single-portfolio.php+ include/plugin/font-loader.php+ include/plugin/shortcode-generator.php+ include/plugin/page-item.php==v1.01= 12/10/2012* Fixed Twitter Feed++++Modified files from v1.00+++++ phoenix/include/plugin/custom-widget/twitter-widget.php==v1.00== 28/09/2012* initial released