Shoppiza Responsive Html5 Opencart theme (e-commerce) is a unique opencart design with alot of custom options added for more flexibility and best appearence, it suitable for any type of products.If you like this theme, please rate it
Some Testimonials
Shoppiza is one of the best and clean template opencart at now, and responsive too, i’ve many use other template and definitely recommended this.fily
Thanks for the good service.I was very pleased with the purchase of the product and the service.The problem was solved, thanks a lot. Already changed the file and it worked perfect.
Thank you for your help, I’ve solved the problem.Great Theme and excellent support.I’ve 5 star rate.furielex
Thanks for the great theme and the amazing support, really appreciate all your help.TurkiB
Great theme. Would really recommend it.
100% now. I highly recommend this theme as the support is fast and professional!! Great theme!!prosoccer
Admin Screenshots
- Compatible with OpenCart 1.5.4.x., Opencart 1.5.5.x
- RTL + LTR directions
- Html5 and CSS3 Using Html5 and CSS3 (Latest Design Techniques)
- Category image appear on dropdown menu.
- Rollover / Hover Product images.
- Responsive design.
Looks great on mobiles, tablets devices and all resolutions. - Collapse & expand effects.
New collapse and expand effects appear on (Search, Currency, Language). - Unique design.
- Accordion category.
Needed for more categories with many products. - Google web fonts.
About 300 web google fonts for (Text body, Titles, Buttons) managed separated from admin panel. - Products Flex Slider
Flex slider for products modules. - Premium admin options.
Which you can manage every thing in site :- Body (Color bg, saved patterns, custom pattern, upload custom image).
- Header (Color bg, saved patterns, custom pattern, upload custom image).
- Container (Color bg, saved patterns, custom pattern, upload custom image).
- Top footer (Color bg, saved patterns, custom pattern, upload custom image).
- Bottom footer (Color bg, saved patterns, custom pattern, upload custom image).
- Color Picker for every thing.
- (Text body, Titles, Buttons) fonts.
- Custom footer.
- Cloud zoom integrated.
More focus for your products. - Custom footer with Socials.
- Information box.
- Twitter feed box.
- Facebook like box.
- Phone section.
- E-mail section.
- Seo optimized.
Advanced seo for your store (default open cart seo options). - 100% width slidshow with thumbs.
- For more focus and catch eye images.
- Looks 100% in all resolutions (Responsive slider).
- CSS3 hover effects.
Css3 hover effects on images, titles, links. - Well designed admin option module.
- Well documented.
- Easy install.
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V 2
Released - Opencart version.Fixed - Menu 100% width.Fixed - dis alignments of icons with details button.Fixed - Facebook Like box to add your page url instead of ID.Fixed - Pagination style.Fixed - Wish & Compare icons on product page.Fixed - Slow page loading [minified all js files].Fixed - All known bugs on theme.****changes in : *********************************************************************catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/common/header.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/common/footer.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/module/bestseller.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/module/featured.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/module/latest.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/module/special.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet.csscatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet-rtl.cssadmin/language/english/module/shoppiza.phpadmin/language/arabic/module/shoppiza.phpadmin/controller/module/shoppiza.phpUPLOAD ALL JS FILES AGAIN
V 1.5
Fixed all known bugs****changes in : *********************************************************************catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet.css (edited)catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet-rtl.css (edited)catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/camera.css (edited)catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/camera-rtl.css (edited)catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/common/header.tpl (edited)
V 1.4
Fixed bugs in RTL direction (big horizontal scroll in product page)****changes in : *********************************************************************- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet-rtl.css (edited)
V 1.3
Fixed bugs in safari browser****changes in : *********************************************************************- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet.css (edited)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet-rtl.css (edited)
V 1.2
Supported RTL direction****changes in : *************************************************************************- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet.css (edited)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/camera-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/cloud-zoom-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/flexslider-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/jquery.tweet-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/tooltip-rtl.css (new add)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/common/header.tpl (edited)- catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/image/cat_menu_arrow-rtl.png (new add)- catalog/view/javascript/jquery/camera-rtl.js (new add)- catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery.flexslider-rtl.js (new add)
- Adding links to slideshow images.- Slideshow and products slider responsivity bugs (on iphone) solved.- Top Home page icon link added.**** Changes in ***********************************************************************************************catalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/stylesheet.csscatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/camera.csscatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/stylesheet/flexslider.csscatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/common/header.tplcatalog/view/theme/shoppiza/template/module/slideshow.tpl
V1 – Released
- Images from (
- Icons from ( – –
- Cloudzoom (
- Flex Slider (
- Patterns (
- Camera Slider (
5 PSD:
- Home page.
- Category.
- Product.
- Shopping cart.
- Slideshow products collection.