Phoenix - Responsive Admin Template

Phoenix - Responsive Admin Template

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Phoenix is a responsive admin template, built with SASS and COMPASS and it's based on Twitters Bootstrap framework. It has many features and is very easy to customize with the help of SASS .The file structure and the code is well organized and commented.Many jQuery plugins are included and customized to fit the needs of the design.I has some custom pages like Login, Search, Mail, Error.The necessary PSD files and documentation are included.

Key features


Easily configure your template with the help of Sass.

Custom sidebar

Sidebar menu with custom scoller for easy navigation.

Animated login page
Login page

Check out the hidden options of the login page.


Mailbox with custom uploader and details page.

Search page
Search page

With 2 different views: grid and list.

Full feature list

  • Responsive Layout
  • 2 column layout
  • Based on Bootstrap Framework
  • Built with SASS and COMPASS
  • Grid system – 12 column.
  • Main menu items:
    • Mail
    • Chat – modal box
    • Notifications
    • Search
    • Settings
    • Profile
  • Forms
    • Layout
      • Basic form
      • Search form
      • Inline form
      • Horizontal forms
      • Form control states
      • Extending form controls
      • Alert messages
    • Elements
      • Input fields
      • Masked inputs
      • Selects
      • Textareas
      • Form Styling – uniform
      • Spinners
      • OS Button Styling
    • Form validation
    • File uploader & WYSIWYG editor
      • File Uploader – HTML 5 runtime
      • WYSIWYG Editor
    • NEW : Form Wizard
    get update when new items released
  • Integrated Flot charts
    • Basic
    • Line (with tooltips)
    • Bar (Stacked) chart 2 types
    • With real time updates
    • Pies
  • Tables
    • Basic
    • Advanced: dataTable,resizable columns,sortable
  • Calendar – with drag & drop events.
  • Image gallery
  • NEW : Carousel Slider
  • UI Elements
    • Accordions
    • Buttons and Icons
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Progressbars
    • Sliders
    • Tabs
    • Tooltips and Popovers
    • Miscellaneous
  • File manager
  • Typography
    • Headings
    • Blockquotes
    • Font size helper class
    • Lists
    • Description lists (vertical and horizontal)
    • Basic block
    • Google Prettify
  • Grid system
  • Widgets
    • Typeahead
    • Tags
    • Date and Time pickers
    • Colorpickers
    • Custom content scroller
    • Contact List
    • Modals
    • Notification
    • Widget header styling
  • Pages:
    • Login
    • Search
    • Mail
    • NEW : Profile
    • NEW : Invoice
    • Error


  • Version 1.0
    • Initial Release
  • Version 1.1
    • NEW : 4 Different Patterns
    • NEW : Form Wizard
    • NEW : Profile Page
    • NEW : Invoice Page
    • NEW : Carousel Image Slider
    • FIX : Fix minor bugs

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