SimpleKey - One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme

SimpleKey - One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme

SimpleKey is a multi-purpose One Page WordPress Theme with parallax effect. It’s suitable for portfolios or business website for your company services and showcase.

Since SimpleKey 2.0+,We included Revolution Slider and Visual Composer Page Builder that you can more easier to customize the whole site visually and freely.

SimpleKey also includes 33 shortcodes – they are easy to use, you will able to show your portfolios, recent tweets, team introduction, pricetables or post slider and so on.

Detailed documentation and sample data xml will help you to set up your one page website easily. If you are looking for a unique and freely customizable one page theme, you are in the right place.

We also provide top notch support service, since 2013, we have already helped more than 3000+ users fixed their questions.

Some features

  • One page with smooth scrolling effect.
  • Responsive design.
  • HTML5 Ready.
  • Revolution Slider Included.
  • Visual Composer Included.
  • Advanced options to customize the theme.
  • Customizable background color for each page section.
  • Usable shortcodes for the elements.
  • Integrated Ajax contact form.
  • Mobile compatibility slider.
  • Sample data xml and PSD included.
  • Compatible with WPML
  • Language files
  • Detailed documentation.
  • And more…
  • .

    What they said

    Theme Credit

    All images used in the demo are not included in the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner.

    Change logs

    V2.12- 2016-04-26
    • - Updated Visual Composer to V4.11.2.1
    • - Updated Revolution Slider to V5.2.5
    • - Fixed the chrome compatibility issue for the header display.
    • - Fixed the static front page is blank.

    V2.11- 2016-04-06

    • - Updated Visual Composer to V4.11.1
    • - Updated Revolution Slider to V5.2.4
    • - Fixed some small CSS issue.

    V2.10- 2016-03-14

    • - Updated Visual Composer to V4.11
    • - Rewrote van_scripts() function in theme-init.php file
    • - Updated font awesome to V4.5.0
    • - Added 500px icon to the social media icon and option.
    • - Ready for the multiple portfolios section works together.
    • - Added CSS Animation option to all custom Visual Composer elements.

    V2.09.1- 2015-10-14

    • Fixed the blogger social icon can’t be removed with theme options.

    V2.09- 2015-10-12

    • Fixed the portfolio external link can’t be open on mobile phone.
    • Updated Visual Composer to V4.7.4.
    • Updated Revolution Slider to V5.0.85.
    • UAdded Blogger social icon and option.

    V2.08- 2015-08-30

    • Added icon and option.
    • Added custom contact content field in Simplekey options > Contact section.
    • Use fontawesome icons for the member social media.
    • Updated Visual Composer to V4.7
    • Updated Revolution Slider to V5.05
    • Use Multi-image metabox plugin to instead of Gallery metabox.

    V2.07- 2015-08-15

    • Fixed the portfolio image lightbox is displayed behind the ajax layer.
    • Updated the Revolution Slider to V5.0.4.

    V2.06- 2015-07-25

    • Updated Visual Composer to V4.6.2. – Updated the Revolution Slider to the latest version.
    • Improved the contact form error message text.
    • Added a new option for disable the parallax effect.
    • Added hover image feature for the portfolio thumbnail area.
    • Added the extra sticky top area above the top menu bar for custom content.
    • Added WooCommerce pages.

    V2.05- 2015-06-18

    • Updated Visual Composer to V4.5.3 and fixed the XSS vulnerability in prettyPhoto.
    • Updated the Revolution Slider to the latest version.
    • Fixed the white space on the top when turn off the admin bar.

    V2.04- 2015-05-05

    • Updated TGM Plugin Activation class for XSS vulnerability.
    • Updated Visual Composer and Revolution Slider to the latest version.
    • Fixed the portfolio categories doesn’t display.
    • Fixed the wordpress admin bar overlaping the top bar when scrolling down.
    • Added ‘Fullwidth Page’ template for create multiple rows in a page via Visual Composer.

    V2.03- 2015-03-09

    • Added a new feature: show the blog posts as the portfolios gridview.
    • Fixed the portfolio thumbnail doesn’t support retina screen
    • Fixed the “font size of section head title” option doesn’t work.
    • Fixed the parent menu item can’t be highlighted when you at the sub page section of it.
    • Fixed some shortcodes doesn’t work well.
    • Updated the Visual Composer plugin to 4.4.2
    • Updated Revolution Slider plugin to 4.3.5

    V2.02- 2015-02-06

    • Fixed the top bar hides the slider on mobile version.
    • Updated the Visual Composer to v4.3.6
    • Improved some php functions.

    V2.01- 2015-01-17Changed files

    • Deleted some redundant codes.
    • Fixed the quotation marks bug.
    • Added retina support for the social icons.
    • Fixed some small responsive issues.
    • Added CSS animation options to SimpleKey Widget in Visual Composer.
    • Updated the Visual Composer to v4.3.5

    V2.0 – 2014-12-07Changed files

    • Integrated Revolution Slider into the SimpleKey 2.0
    • Combined top social icons in the primary menu bar.
    • Deprecated the default old slider.
    • Improved some SEO issues.
    • Improved some responsive issues.
    • Improved the contact form 7 style.
    • Fixed the scrollbar is hidden by the navigation bar and top slider.

    V1.25 – 2014-07-24Changed files

    • Wrote “Navigate to?” text into language file.
    • Added Video background support for the top slider.
    • Added Yelp social icon and option to theme options and [social_icons] shortcode.
    • Improved some small CSS issues.

    V1.24 – 2014-04-28Changed files

    • Rewrite the documentation
    • Improved the parallax background effect.
    • Fixed the shortcode generator doesn’t work under WP3.9
    • Appended link on top slider image
    • Added VK social icon and option

    V1.23 – 2014-03-18Changed files

    • Fixed a php error under PHP strict mode
    • Improved some small css issues
    • Update wpml-config.xml file

    V1.22 – 2014-03-14Changed files

    • Added shortcode generator
    • Added wpml-config.xml file, make the theme worked fine with WPML.
    • Added the Museo family to the webfonts collection.
    • The content headings font can be changed as same as page headings.
    • Portfolios page supported in search page if you add “&post_type=portfolio” at the last of URL.
    • Improved the two columns layout of blog template
    • Improved the portfolio items relayout issue when the window resize.
    • Improved the contact form.
    • Improved the parallax effect.
    • Improved the page scrolling effect.

    V1.2 – 2013-07-04Changed files

    • Fixed the 4 and 5 columns of the portfolios grid doesn’t work in portfolio archive page.
    • Added “href” argument for the [slide] shortcode that you can add the link to each images.
    • Added “excerpt” field for portfolio posts that you can customize the excerpt of portfolios to instead of auto truncated text.
    • Rewrite some PHP codes.

    V1.19 – 2013-06-13Changed files

    • Fixed the page title doesn’t display on the browser top bar.
    • Fixed the custom background image of page section is blur on mobile device.
    • Added new feature for embed the video to the slider shortcodes.
    • Removed [tweets], because Twitter’s decision to discontinue their unauthenticated v1.0 API means that this widget will stop working at some time in 2013 -- Twitter wants your only option for on-page widgets to be their own Embedded Timelines.

    V1.18 – 2013-06-03Changed files

    • Fixed the audio doesn’t display in portfolio post.
    • Fixed the large white space above the map section.
    • Fixed the height is too large when check it on mobile and window resized.

    V1.17 – 2013-05-26Changed files

    • Fixed “Back to Top” button doesn’t work on certain devices.
    • Fixed there’s a redundant 1px height appeared when the mouse over the navigation menu item.
    • Fixed something wrong with no responsive layout on mobile device.
    • Added an new argument “text” to [skill] shortcode to instead of the percent number.
    • Added Klout icon/option.
    • Removed background color option in slider setting, you can use a solid-colored png image to instead of this option.

    V1.16 – 2013-05-08Changed files

    • Improved contact page template layout.
    • Fixed 404 error when click the portfolio images in the detail page on mobile device.
    • Fixed there’s no animate effect when click the portfolio filter first time.
    • Fixed the border of tab items doesn’t display on safari 5.
    • Fixed the top slider image is distorted on iPhone.
    • Added an option for disable the default gallery stage of the portfolio post.
    • Added an new argument “hide_percent” to [skill] shortcode to hide the percent number.

    V1.15 – 2013-04-22Changed files

    • Fixed the single blog post can’t display competely when inserted more tag.
    • Fixed the search result page is messed up.
    • Fixed the quotation marks icon malposition in quote shortcode.
    • Fixed the external link is not work in portfolio archive page.
    • Fixed the image in post content can’t be scaled.

    V1.14 – 2013-04-17Changed files

    • Fixed the image which in columns shortcode is not responsive.
    • Fixed the contact form doesn’t work on some webhostings.
    • Fixed the hightlight of menu item is incorrect in sub page.
    • Fixed the more tag doesn’t work in two columns blog template.
    • Fixed the font of slider heading doesn’t work on mobile phone.
    • Added “lightbox” argument to [button] shortcode.
    • Added an option for set the background image of sections to scroll or fixed.
    • Added an option for disable the responsive layout.
    • Added auto disable the nicescroll plugin on mobile device.
    • Added slider link option.
    • Added icon and option
    • Added an option for enable the sidebar in single post page.
    • Added “gridview” argument to [blog] shortcode.
    • Changed “fullwidth” argument to “thumbnail” in [blog] shortcode.

    V1.13 – 2013-03-23Changed files

    • Fixed the [headline] shortcode is conflict with the navigation highlight feature.
    • Fixed the mobile menu still show the hidden page.
    • Fixed the custom active link color of the navigation link doesn’t display.
    • Fixed the custom background color of the contact section doesn’t work.
    • Fixed the issue that the portfolio thumbnail can’t display competely on iPad.
    • Changed the slider heading font on mobile.
    • Added an option for slider playing speed.
    • Added border_color option for [button] shortcode.
    • Added the external link option in portfolio setting.

    V1.12 – 2013-03-13Changed files

    • Fixed some bugs in IE8.
    • Fixed the CAPTCHA doesn’t work on some of webhostings.
    • Fixed the portfolio thumbnail image is blur on mobile phone.
    • Fixed the mobile version image of slider background is cropped on mobile phone.
    • Improved the mobile menu and fixed that sometimes the menu doesn’t work on andriod.
    • Added more link in blog post loop.
    • Added [social_icon] shortcode that you can set every icons link seperately,e.g. [social_icon facebook=””]
    • Added linkedIn icon to member information in [member] shortcode: [member linkedin=””]
    • Added an new argument ‘orderby’ in [portfolios] shortcode, value is “rand” or “date”.
    • Added multilevel menu support.
    • Added full screen Video/Map embeded support for each sections.
    • Added an theme option for disable the nice scroll plugin and back to use native scroll bar.

    V1.11 – 2013-02-26Changed files

    • Added fax option for contact section
    • Added nexa font to the font select list
    • Fixed something wrong with the slider background and content on mobile

    V1.1 – 2013-02-23Changed files

    • Fixed the language file doesn’t work.
    • Fixed the slider doesn’t work in a certain browser.
    • Fixed the google plus icon doesn’t display in member area.
    • Fixed the responsive image issue.
    • Removed the featured image from the portfolio gallery.
    • Add a slider option for specific background image for tablet.
    • Add back to top button.
    • Add a theme option for show the logo on mobile phone.
    • Add a portfolio select options for images layout.
    • Add Email,Yahoo IM,AIM,Meetup,Instagram icons and options.
    • Add an option for disable retina support.
    • Add some options for custom contact section and footer color.
    • Add grey color sechme for pricing table.
    • Add a new parameter for [portfolios_filter]: “exclude=term ID”

    V1.09 – 2013-02-03Changed files

    • Fixed an error when the portfolio category doesn’t exist.
    • Fixed the order of gallery images doesn’t work.
    • Add an option for disable the page loading affect.
    • Add SoundCloud and Myspace social icons and options.
    • Add custom slider content options.
    • Add Retina LOGO upload option.
    • Add latin subset support for custom fonts.

    V1.08 – 2013-01-23Changed files

    • Fixed a part of google webfonts doesn’t work.
    • Improved many details for responsive layout, especially the navigation menu.
    • Fixed locale bug.
    • Fixed portfolio&blog excerpt bug.
    • Fixed IE8/9 is not support the placeholder propertype of contact form input.
    • Cancelled enforce the video size in PC device.
    • Allowed p and br tags in columns shortcode.
    • Add contact page template.
    • Add fullwidth layout for blog shortcode.
    • Add mobile background image option for slider.
    • Add a [format] shortcode to support p,br or the other more HTML tags.

    V1.07 – 2013-01-20Changed files

    • Fixed the contact form doesn’t work in homepage.
    • Improved many details for responsive layout.
    • Fixed the portfolio is repeat when it’s in both categories.
    • Fixed the custom.css can’t override the media-queries.css

    V1.06 – 2013-01-19Changed files

    • Fixed the jquery conflict issue in WordPress dashbroad.
    • Fixed a bug in portfolio archive page.
    • Improved many details for responsive layout.
    • Add LinkedIn icons.
    • Add Youtube/Vimeo/SoundCloud support in portfolio post.

    V1.05 -2013-01-16Changed files

    • Fixed the navigation links doesn’t work in safari6.0.x and part of chrome.
    • Fixed the anchor links could not return to homepage right position in Firefox.
    • Fixed the background image could not fixed in safari.

    V1.04.1 -2013-01-15Changed files

    • Fixed the issue that the logo can’t display normal;

    V1.04 -2013-01-14Changed files

    • Add the ajax open effect for portfolio gallery on the frontpage.

    V1.03 – 2013-01-12Changed files

    1. Fixed the social icons’ link error.
    2. Change the team members’ avatar to circle shape.
    3. Integrated google web fonts for slider titles.
    4. Add a parameter “intro” to [portfolios] shortcode.
    5. Add a parameter “anchor” to [button] shortcode.
    6. Add a parameter “top”,”bottom” to [headline] shortcode.

    V1.02 – 2013-01-11Changed files

    1. Sync sub menu background color and primary navigation background color.
    2. Add the default color to text input and textarea borders.
    3. Add custom style options in theme panel.
    4. Change the line-height of head&sub titles on the front page.
    5. Fixed the embed video or iframe can’t display in columns shortcodes.
    6. Fixed the navigation menu doesn’t work in sub page.
    7. Fixed an issue that the navigation will be hidden in safari.
    V1.01 – 2013-01-09Changed files
    1. Fixed the horizontal scroll bar is appeared on the home page issue.
    2. Correct ‘andriod’ spelling error on the UI-Elements.png picture.

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