Falgun - Metro Style Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

Falgun - Metro Style Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

Change Log

Initial Release

---------------------------------------------Initial Release (14th MARCH 2013)---------------------------------------------

ver 1.1

---------------------------------------------ver 1.1 Released (25th MARCH 2013)[+] Invoice Page       - invoice.html [+] Profile Page       - profile.html[+] Search Page        - search-page.html[+] Responsive Tables  - Every Tables page[+] Some Tables style  - see search-page.html---------------------------------------------

Responsive View


4 Extra Themes

Fabrics Theme


Wooden Theme


Blue Theme


Orange Fabrics Theme


Features Highlight


  1. 100% Rsponsive Template
  2. Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and any smartphone friendly
  3. Bootstrap Compatible (2.2.2)
  4. 27 Html files
  5. Font Awsome Font Icons
  6. Nice and clean Dashboard
  7. Metro Style Inspired UI
  8. Fully Flat UI
  9. 5 Different Themes
  10. Easy to Use/ Easy To Change
  11. 5 Different eror pages style
  12. Lots of cool Widget
  13. CSS3
  14. IOS orientation fix
  15. Cool Typography
  16. jQuery powered
  17. jQuery UI
  18. Cool JQuery Chosen Selectbox
  19. Nice Dropdown
  20. Sticky Notification
  21. Tags Input
  22. jQuery tooltip
  23. jQuery Minichart
  24. Modal and Dialoge
  25. Elfinder File manager
  26. jQuery Accordion
  27. Data Table
  28. AND many more +

Site Map

[+] FORMS    + Form Elements - all form elements here    + Form Components - all form related jQuery plugins here    + Form Validation - form validation here    + Form Wizard - stepy wizrad    + WYSIWYG editor[+] FEATURES    + Basic Tables - simple tables here    + Tables-Theme - 3 Types of Table Cloth jQuery table themes     + Data Tables - dynamic tables here    + Grid - all grid is here    + Typography - all common typo is here    + Calendar - full calendar is here    + Charts - jQplot charts are here    + File Manager - a nice file manager[+] UI ELEMENTS    + UI Elements - lots of nice UI elements here     + Buttons & Icons[+] PAGES    + Error Pages - 5 types nice error pages here        = 403 Error Page       = 404 Error Page       = 405 Error Page       = 500 Error Page       = 503 Error Page     + Login Page - a simple cool login page here     + Gallery - image gallery     + Pricing Page     + Chat Page[+] CHARTS     + jQuery Flot Chart     + Google Chart - chart using google js api

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