Finex - Responsive Multi-Purpose Wordpress Theme

Finex - Responsive Multi-Purpose Wordpress Theme

Finex is a Fully Responsive Wordpress Theme with many features: easy to use page builder, on-click Theme Options, fully resposnive design, unlimited sliders, unlimited layouts, unlimited colors, easy header layout changing (3 different menus), on-click change from wide to boxed version, different post and portfolio layouts, many useful shortcodes integrated into the page builder, all Google fonts and much more. The main feature is a strong page builder which offers you to create wonderful, unique layouts with just clicks.

Finex includes a powerful Page Builder. Builder offers you to create pages with unique layout with just clicking. You have option to add, edit or delete elements from your page. All elements can be resized with just clicks. This gives you a posibility to test which layout suits the best for your content.

There are no limitations for the created layouts. Layouts in this preview site show only a few examples of what you can make. Create as many as you want, style them as you want and present content which you want. Couldn’t be easier, right?

Admin panel for the Finex theme comes with easy to use Theme Options. This options offer you to change colors, fonts, layouts, some default values and much more with just clicks. This way you can adjust the entire page to suit you to perfection. All options are formatted into groups so there are very quick to locate.

Finex comes with a poweful Revolution Slider plugin which is for sale on Codecanyon. The plugin is included in the Finex theme, so you don’t need to buy it.

This plugin offers you to create wonderful sliders just the way you want them. All documentation for this slider is included in the download package.

With changing colors in Theme Options you may set your site to a color combination that suits you the best. Colors are not predesigned, so you may set any color you want.

Finex Wordpress Theme has a fully responsive design. This makes an optimal view for the content on any device using any resolution. You may check the responsive layout with changing your browser size.

Theme Features

  • Ready for WordPress 3.8, WordPress 3.7, WordPress 3.6, WordPress 3.5, Wordpress 3.4, Wordpress 3.3
  • Responsive layout – can also be deactivated
  • Very Simple Theme Options Settings – All Graphic/Just Click
  • Easy to use Page Builder! – create unlimited unique layout with just clicks!
  • Unlimited sliders – includes Revolution Slider plugin and Flexslider
  • Unlimited Google Maps and contact forms – includes Contact Form 7 plugin
  • Easily modified headers – 3 different menus, logo positioning, menu positioning, upper header with widget areas
  • Easy footer modifications
  • Boxed and Fullwidth layout – changed with one click
  • 13 Widget areas
  • Custom Widgets:
    • Pego – Flickr widget
    • Pego – Latest Portfolio widget
    • Pego – Latest Post widget
    • Pego – Quick Info widget
    • Pego – Twitter widget
    • Pego – Contact From 7 widget
    • Revolution slider as widget
    • Brankic Social Media widget
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • All Google fonts – dropdown choose
  • Custom page titles – background, font color, font background, subtitles, .. for each page, post, portoflio
  • Predesigned templates:
    • Home template – just if having homepage with sidebar and fullwidth slider
    • 6 Portfolio templates – 2 different styles and 2, 3 and 4 column layouts for each
    • 2 Blog templates – with small and big post items
    • 404 page
    • Everything else is done using just page builder!
  • Multiple portfolio pages
  • Portfolio options:
    • 3 different types – Image, Video and Slideshow
    • Opening type setting – Pop up or Descripton page
    • Thumbnail type – present portfolio with image thumbnail or with thubmnails of it’s type (image, video, slideshow)
    • Single portfolio type – fullwidth and two third
    • Single portfolio build with page builder!
    • Set which categories will show on the page
    • 2 different thumbnail styles
    • 2, 3 and 4 columns layout
    • Filtering option – can be turn off
    • Strong portfolio shortcodes included in page builder
  • Blog options:
    • 3 different types – Image, Video and Slideshow
    • Thumbnail type – present post with image thumbnail or with thubmnails of it’s type (image, video, slideshow)
    • Single post build with page builder!
    • 2 different thumbnail styles
    • Strong post shortcodes included in page builder
  • Many shortcodes included in page builder:
    • Columns, Separator, List, Button, Columns with icons -3 different types, Portfolio items – 2 styles (2,3 and 4 columns layout), Post items – 2 styles, Toggle, Carousel, Tab, Google Maps, Contact Forms 7, Contact Info, Blockquote, Image, Video, Slider, Testimonial, Progress bar, Flexslider, Accordion, Team member, Welcome quotes – 3 styles, Twitter – 2 styles, Headings, Pricing Columns, 2 Column Tables, Faqs, Gallery
  • Set left or right sidebar for any page
  • Translation ready – includes .mo and .po files
  • Ready for WPML plugin
  • Ready for Woocommerce (inlcuded predesigned style)
  • Ready for BuddyPress (deafult styles)
  • Ready for bbPress (deafult styles)
  • Strong documentation
  • HD Video tutorials
  • XML export for demo look
  • Pego team support – via contact form on Themeforest profile and support ticket system


v1.0.4 – June 14, 2013

- Twitter bug fix (files that were changed: shortcodes.php, functions.php, theme-options.php, widget-twitter.php; file added: twitteroauth.php)

v1.0.3 – May 09, 2013

- bug fix for search function (files that were changed: search.php, functions/custom-css.php and css/portfolio_blog.css)

v1.0.2 – April 17, 2013

- Support for BuddyPress- support for bbPress- IE10 minor css bugs- added PSD 

v1.0.1 – April 15, 2013

- Support for WooCommerce- Unlimited sidebars 

v1.0 – April 12, 2013

- Initial release 


Images are NOT included in download package.

All images are from Depositphotos. Go check it. Apple product images are from

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