BEE is a clean, retina-ready and fully responsive WordPress theme built for business websites and users who want to showcase their fantastic work on a neat portfolio site. The self-developed Page Builder makes it very intuitive to build your unique posts and pages.
- Boxed & Fixed Layout
- 2 Header Layouts
- 10 Predefined Themes Colors
- Fully Responsive Layout: adapts to smaller devices (iPhone, iPad), touch device friendly
- IconFont(Font Awesome Icon Integration)
- Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on retina monitor
- 7 Post Formats Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery, Audio, Link, Quote
- Additional Post Type: Team, Client, Testimonials, Jobs, FAQ
- Choose different sidebar for every post/page.
- Unlimited Color and Backgrounds
- Layer Slider Plugin: Awesome 2D/3D Layer Slider (15$) included
- Lightbox Plugin: jQuery Lightbox Evolution (18$ ) included
- Based on Bootstrap
- Powerful ThemeOptions Panel: 1.Import/Export 2.General Settings 3.Layout Settings 4.Styling 5.Font Settings
- Wordpress plugin compatible
- bbPress Compatible – Free light forum wp plugin
- WPML Compatible, in case your business needs a multi language site
- Contact form 7 Compatible – Free custom form wp Plugin
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
- UberMenu Compatible – Mega Menu Plugin, sold on Codecanyon
- Yoast WordPress SEO Compatible
- AdRotate Compatible – Free ad Management plugin
- WP – Reduce image file sizes and improve performance.
- WP super cache – Very fast caching plugin for WordPress.
- ...
- Translation Ready – This theme is fully prepared for translation to any language using po & mo files
- SEO Optimized
- One Click Import Demo Data
- Import/Export Demo Data
- ShortCodes
- Google Fonsts
- Build with HTML5 &CSS3
- Clean/Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Drag & Drop Page Builder, any layout imaginable is possible. 30 useful modules:
- Standard Wrap and Full-width Wrap
- Carousel New!
- Button New!
- Ajax Liquid list New! Demo
- Latest posts New!
- Slider
- Text block
- Icon Box
- Image Box
- Text List
- Message Box
- Blog(Standard/Masonry)
- Portfolio
- Video
- Gallery
- Single Image
- Google Map
- Contact Form
- Team
- Clients
- Tabs
- Toggle/Accordions
- Pricing
- Promote
- Share
- Info-Graphic
- Count Down
- Testimonials
- Jobs
- FAQs
- Spacer
- ...
Some features of Bee are
v1.7 4/21/2016- [update] Layerslider 5.6.5
- [fix] Javascript issue on WordPress 4.5
- /functions/pagebuilder/js/pagebuilder.layout.js- /functions/theme/js/theme.layout.js- /js/custom.pagebuild.js- /js/custom.theme.jsv1.6.9 1/29/2016
- [improve] Admin image uploader
- [fix] Custom css print frontend
- functions/theme/theme-options-view.php- functions/theme/theme-admin.php- functions/pagebuilder/js/pagebuilder.layout.js- functions/functions.php- functions/theme/theme-optoin.phpv1.6.8 9/17/2015
- [update] Layerslider 5.6.2
- [improve] Lightbox buttons size in mobile
- [fix] Wp-widget alert issue in WP4.3
- [update] Layerslider 5.5.1
- js/lightbox/themes/default/jquery.lightbox.css- /functions/widget-social-network-icons.php- /functions/widget-recent-comments.php- /functions/widget-contact-form.php- functions/layerslider.zipv1.6.6 4/25/2015
- [fix] Width of module in general wrap
- [fix] XSS vulnerability
- styles/pagebuild.css- functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.phpv1.6.5 1/1/2015
- [fix]Column sub-item of Infographic module can not be saved in wordpress 4.0
- functions/pagebuilder/js/pagebuilder.layout.jsv1.6.4 11/23/2014
- [fix] Password protected for Pagebulder content
- [update] Layerslider 5.3.2
- style.css- /functions/functions.php- comments.php- functions/layerslider.zipv1.6.3 9/10/2014
- [fix] Sub-item of module can not be saved in wordpress 4.0
- [update] Layerslider 5.2
- [update] Jplayer jquery plugin 2.7
- functions/pagebuilder/js/pagebuilder.layout.js- functions/ functions/functions.php- js/jquery.jplayer.min.jsv1.6.2 8/8/2014
- [fix] Portfolio mouseover 3DFlip effect in IE 11
- [fix] Latest/Related Post’s date position
- [fix] Pagebuild admin slider panel accidental blank (Judgment of slider Revolution errors)
- styles/pagebuild.css- js/custom.pagebuild.js- styles/pagebuild.css- functions/pagebuilder/pagebuilder-ajax.phpv1.6.1 4/27/2014
- [fix] IE9 responsive
- [fix] Shortcode icon not shown in wordpress3.9
- js/custom.theme.js- styles/ie.css- styles/ie8.css- style.css- functions/functions.php- functions/shortcodeui folder removed- functions/shortcode folder addedv1.6 3/14/2014
- [add] BM Mega Menu
- [improve] Layerslider 5.0
- [fix] Spelling issue
- js/custom.theme.js- style.css- header.php- styles/bootstrap.css- styles/pagebuild.css- /functions/plugins/ /functions/plugins/ functions\theme\theme-ajax.phpv1.5.2 2/15/2014
- [fix] Fullwidth wrap window resize function
- [fix] Mobile meta / menu z-index issue in boxed layout
- js/custom.pagebuild.js- js/custom.theme.js- style.cssv1.5.1 2/5/2014
- [fix] Blog/standard list pagenation loading issue
- [fix] Team member page spelling mistake
- [improve] Fullwidth wrap window re-size function
- js/custom.pagebuild.js- single-template.phpv1.5 12/13/2013
- [add] Custom CSS and Back top button options in Theme Option
- [add] Show Verify Random Number option in contact form module and widget
- [improve] Breadcrumb
- [fix] liquid list video can not be clicked
- [fix] Social media icons in header when windows< 1200
- [fix] Can not receive mail from contact form module
- [fix] Share icons module
- functions/theme/theme-option.php- functions/theme/theme-option-view.php- functions/theme/theme-style.php- footer.php- style.css- functions/functions-view-module.php- functions/widget-contact-form.php- js/custom.theme.js- functions/pagebuilder/js/pagebuilder.layout.js- functions/pagebuilder/pagebuilder-modules.php- functions/breadcrumb/full-breadcrumb.php- functions/functions-part4.php- functions/functions-view-module.php- js/custom.pagebuild.js- js/custom.theme.js- template/post-social.phpv1.4.2 12/1/2013
- [add] 10+ Social network icons (VK, Xing, Bebo, Weibo…)
- [fix] Better WordPress Minify css order in IE8
- [fix] IE8 fullwrap tab issue
- [fix] 3DFilp effect issue in chrome when chrome/safari can not run csstransforms3d Note: After update, the social in team page, ImageBox, Team module, Social icons widget and header social icon need to be reset
- functions/functions.php- functions/widget-social-icons.php- functions/pagebuilder/pagebuilder-modules.php- functions/pagebuilder/css/style.css- functions/pagebuilder/font-update folder- functions/theme/demo-data.xml- languages folder- styles/pagebuild.css (part Mouseover 3D Flip )- styles/ie8.css- styles/ie.css
v1.4.1 11/26/2013
- [improve] liquid list loading, carousel height, map js load
- [improve] Better WordPress Minify plugin Compatibility
- [fix] Theme option main color(predefined color) value issue
- [improve] Layerslider plugin installation file
- [improve] Team social icon way of call
Note: After update, the social in team page, ImageBox, Team module need to be reset
- js/custom.pagebuild.js- functions/pagebuilder/pagebuild-admin.php- functions/pagebuilder/pagebuild-metabox.php- functions/functions-part4.php- functions/theme/demo-data.xml- functions/functions.php- functions/theme/theme-style.php- functions/functions-post-type-meta.php- functions/functions-view-module.php.php- languages folder
v1.4 11/18/2013
- [add] Post Carousel Modules, Button Modules, Fullwidth wrap Tabs/Background Color picker option, Link option in Image box/Icon box modules, Marker option in Map module, Flexslider/Revolution slider options in Slider module
- [fix] 3dFlip mouseover effect in portfolio module in no-css3d browser
- [improve]Short code round image add link option
- [fix] Mobile Social Network spelling
- [improve]wp-admin Portfolio(gallery) post(module) images selector layout
- js/custom.core.js split as custom.theme.js and custom.pagebuild.js- functions/pagebuilder folder- functions/theme/theme-style.php- functions/theme/theme-ajax.php- functions/theme/theme-option.php- functions/theme/theme-style.php- functions/theme/css/style.css- functions/theme/css/theme.layout.js- functions/theme/demo-data.xml- functions/functions-view-module.php- functions/functions.php.php- functions/functions-part5.php- functions/functions-part4.php- functions/shortcodeui/config.php- functions/shortcode.php- functions-post-type-meta.php- styles/pagebuild.css- languages folder- styles/ie8.css- js/ js/jquery.flexslider-min.js- js/jquery.pjax.js
v1.3 11/4/2013
- [add] Ajax Liquid Module and Laest posts Module
- [fix] Demo data import
- styles.css- styles/pagebuild.css- styles/ie8.css- js/custom.core.js- functions/functions.php- functions/theme/ folder
v1.2.1 10/14/2013
- [add] Page bottom space option
- [fix] Demo data importer for image select
- [fix] Some modules issue in fullwidth wrap
- styles.css- js/custom.core.js- styles/pagebuild.css- functions/functions-view-module.php- functions/functions.php- functions/theme/theme-style.php- functions/theme/theme-import.php- functions/theme/theme-ajax.php- footer.php
v1.2 10/09/2013
- [add] Image Box, Icon Box(improved), Info-graphic and Count down Modules
- [add] Search bar option in header
- [improve] Demo data importer
- [fix] Content Slider image postion issue
- functions/pagebuilder folder- functions/theme folder- styles/pagebuild.css- js/infographic.js- js/waypoints.min.js- style.css- header.php- functions/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php- functions/functions-view-module.php- js/custom.core.js
v1.1.1 09/27/2013
- [add] Child theme (check)
- [fix] Social icons url issue in header
- [fix] Flip thumbs can not be clicked in touch device
- js/custom.core.js - functions/theme/theme-option.php - style.css - functions/functions.php
v1.1 09/22/2013
- [improve] Full-width wrap when boxed layout
- [improve] Menu item number judgement for responsive menu
- [fix] Team module one column issue
- [fix] Multiple Full-wraps issue
- js/custom.core.js - style.css - functions/functions-view-module.php - functions/functions.php
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Note: Mouse-over 3D effect is not supported on IE