Simple, as the name says, is a very easy to use creative WordPress theme with both single page and multiple page layout. Theme features parallax, animated contents and Retina Display optimization on a perfectly responsive layout.
Layout is built with Bootstrap, fully responsive and optimized for all devices. We have fully tested it on iPhone 5, iPad 4, S3 android and Windows Phone.
Testimonials from buyers of HTML5 version

Best features:
- Very simple & easy to use creative one page theme.
- Trendy flat style design with selected metro colors.
- Responsive & Retina Ready layout.
- Stellar parallax layers with optimized mobile view.
- Animated Elements & Content Blocks, supports more than 50 animation effects. See animation effects preview here
- Touch optimized & draggable Carousel.
- Filterable Portfolio with Expanding preview as well as Lightbox view.
- Expanding portfolio preview panel supports image sliders, video, youtube, vimeo etc.
- Portfolio lightbox supports images, video from youtube and vimeo.
- Flickr Integrated dynamic image grid featuring live Flickr Feed.
- Twitter Integrated with latest API compatibility.
- Perfectly responsive, mobile optimized layout powered by Bootstrap 2.3.2
- Fully tested on major mobile devices including iPhone 4S & 5, iPad 3, iPad 4 with Retina Display, Galaxy S3 on Android, Windows Phone.
Dedicated Support:
Dear buyers, for support on our themes please contact our developers via our Support System websiteImage Credits:
Live preview images are from Flickr profile of Fotuwe, CubaGallery as well as Vonderauvisuals.We are not distributing these images via download pack. We have placeholder images for each instance.Template Credits
Copyright(c) 2015 Designova, All rights reserved..
.A premium quality template from Designova