Sisko Theme is a clean and minimal Tumblr theme, with enough versatility to work as a blog, inspiration board, or personal portfolio. The theme includes a responsive masonry style layout with infinite scrolling. The design is minimal and easy on the eyes. It also features over 45 customization options so you can make Sisko Theme your own.

Theme Features
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Supports All Post Types
- Masonry Layout
- Infinite Scrolling
- Supports High Resolution Screens
- Disqus Comments
- 45+ Customization Options
- Dribble, Twitter and Instagram Feeds
- Google Analytics
- Supports All Major Browsers
- Detailed Documentation
- Friendly Support!
Customization Options

The documentation includes everything you need to know in order to install and customize the theme. But if you have any questions, feel free to contact me from the comments section, or send me an email through
my profile page.
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